Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coffee - pros and cons

Just like every other pleasant habit drinking coffee has its own pros and cons. There have been thousands of studies dedicated to the effects of coffee on human. Coffee has turned into a huge industry keeping at work about 25 million people and human population consuming 400 billion cups per year which makes it second most sold item after fuel. 

The positive sides of drinking coffee are as follows:
  •  Caffeine does increase your mental and physical wakefulness and keep high speed of metabolism after physical training which keeps lower fat level.
  •  acts like an antidepressant and due to high levels of antioxidants proofs lower tolerance to Parkinson.
  • coffee is a highly diuretic liquid which helps in many sides like decreasing kidney stones, decreasing chance of  bladder cancer and others.
  •  coffee provokes the release of Histamine which makes it an anti-allergic drink.
  •  contains magnesium and other minerals that help preventing diabetes.

Negative sides of drinking coffee are as follows:
  •  if taken too much is exhausts your ability to produce adrenalin
  • interacts with adenosine, which is a chemical in the brain that keeps you calm
  • raises the blood pressure which could be dangerous for hyper active people. 
  • coffee can decrease the quality of your sleep
  • helps for caries

Here is when you must not drink coffee:
  • If you are pregnant or nursing
  • If you have insomnia 
  • Not good combination with high blood pressure, heart disease, tendency of blood clots and stroke, high cholesterol 


Friday, April 12, 2013

The best Detox bath!

Detox bath is a very old way to refresh your body and you can easy do it at home. When you perform detoxification your skin sweats acting like a kidney and cleaning your body from toxins. The procedure is refreshing and leaves you with a feeling of energy. 

Fill up the tub and but some Epsom salts. It helps with leveling the magnesium in the body. The sulfate clears the toxins. Epsom salt is a low cost material. You can provide it from most stores or pharmacies. Sea salts can be added because they have great benefits for the skin

Put 1 or 2 cups of baking soda. It is cleaning the skin and making it soft. Baking soda can be bought in every grocery store.

Add half cup of Bentonite Clay - stimulates the lymphatic system and cleans the skin. It is an all-natural material used by the Fremont Indians for centuries.

Put some ground ginger or fresh ginger tea. Ginger lifts the level of your body heat, so you can sweat the toxins out more easily. Don`t put too much or you can turn red. The approximate quantity should be between one and four tablespoons depending on your tolerance.

Add some aromatherapy oil for more pleasure. Many, the oils have useful properties. Lavender and ylang ylang, geranium, sandalwood, tea tree oil or eucalyptus – it is up to you. Anywhere between ten and twenty drops is sufficient for a standard bath.

Swish the water good, then jump in it. About 40 minutes is enough, but at least 20 will make effect. In the first few minutes you will begin to sweat. While taking the bath keep your hair out of the water because the salt might strip it and make it feel like hay.
When you are done get out with care because your body has been doing some hard work and you might get dizzy.You will need a lot of water to drink and clear the toxins out. 
Avoid putting hydrogen peroxide in your bath because it can have corrosive effects on your skin.

Please note the following as very important:

Do not take a hot bath or a detox bath in case of:
- pregnancy
- heart, kidney, or other health issues.

Advise your doctor before you decide to follow the steps. This article is purely educational and not diagnostic, treat, cure or in ant other way replace advice of a licensed  practitioner. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why you need fiber!

Fiber is a really important part of your every day food intake. Generally fiber is a matter that your body is unable to digest. Fibers can be most often found in fruits and vegetables such and also in beans and nuts. 

You can divide fibers in two general groups - solubles and insolubles. The daily need of human for fibers is about 40 grams for men and about 25 gram for women. The soluble fiber can absorb liquids as a sponge. For that reason it helps you feel less hunger because the meal that you had is staying in your stomach for a longer period of time and this also helps your sugar levels to be  stable because  the food is being digested in a slower manner. Generally you can look at insoluble fiber as you look a brush. It cleans your digestive system and keeps the cholesterol low. That of course brings a better blood pressure which is another reason for fiber to be a preferred food. Another plus of eating foods with fiber is that it has zero calories.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Peanut butter and banana

You will probably never believe that peanut butter can be healthy, but the protein is what makes it great. The combination with a banana makes it a perfect replacement meal. So you can both enjoy a tasty meal and stay out of trouble with excessive calories.


1/2 banana
half cup of low-fat peanut butter
half cup of low-fat milk
6 ice cubes
5 grams /about a tablespoon/ of chocolate whey protein powder

Blend all the ingredients. At the end you get a mild mixture of sweet pleasure!